Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

With things the way they are now, are you more scared or less scared than you thought you'd be?

Asked by Jeruba (55868points) April 12th, 2020

And has that changed over time?

What do you think accounts for your emotional reaction? Denial, faith, news fatigue, fatalism, something else?

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16 Answers

ucme's avatar

I’m not in the least bit scared & this was an entirely expected reaction.
I’m a firm believer in positive thinking & if shit happens, then just roll with it until the good times return, which will come sooner because of that outlook.
Being scared solves nothing & helps no one, wasted energy, do not let it reside in your head rent free…evict that bugger!

Yellowdog's avatar

Not scared at all. Just impatient,

gorillapaws's avatar

About the same. All of my fear is directed towards my parents, and also to vulnerable people in society.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I just fear for Mrs Squeeky’s safety since she is a health care worker in an nursing home,for myself not at all.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I am not fearful now and I was not fearful then as I am not a panicky, high strung or especially fearful person.
It is my nature.
If I was walking in bear country with a porkchop necklace on, I might be feeling some anxiety.

jca2's avatar

I was never scared but in the beginning, I was concerned that people I know would get sick.

I’m less concerned now. I live about an hour from NYC so this is definitely a “hot spot” but so far so good.

YARNLADY's avatar

Less fearful now that the workers in my family still have jobs. I’m still (always) afraid the crazy Trump will cause more harm.

kritiper's avatar

Neither. I can’t fear something that didn’t exist. Now that it’s here, I am aware of that particular threat. Before I was just as scared of bad drivers as I am now.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I’ve never given much thought to catching colds or the flu, or giving them to other people. Now I am scared of bringing coronavirus to the high-risk people in my life.

stanleybmanly's avatar

From the outset, my reaction to the news of the virus has never been fright. I have a regrettable tendency to take my health for granted, as well as that of those I care about. My biggest fear is that I might disregard the extraordinary regimen required this time in regard to this particular disease. For the bulk of my life, I’ve done little in the arena of avoiding whatever flu or cold of the month that passes through the country & took such things as routine. A cold or the flu once a year, sometimes twice, some years not at all. A couple of days of sniffles, then maybe an irritating cough. It’s just routine. I spend a lot of time washing my hands as a matter of course. And I have a good wife to fuss over me and chide me to keep me in line. Now our kids are busy catering to us like we’re blue ribbon show dogs. Their spies watch the house for any sign that I might leave it & they have embarrassingly too much food and too many meals shipped in here against my harsh admonitions. And they rarely let us know it’s coming. They’re very sweet, but it is so disruptive and wasteful. They should all certainly know by now that we are particularly capable at spoiling ourselves. No, it isn’t fear of the virus that concerns me. I am wondering just what “routine” will mean when this is through.

mazingerz88's avatar

Not scared. Deeply worried about loved ones vulnerable healthwise not to mention economically as well. I also think about kids, especially in third world countries that could be starving.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Not scared but cautious about possibly passing it on to an older person.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

No. Actually am in my element. I appear normal during the covid19 crisis to be a thriving doomsday preper.
I will continue with my doomsday preparation activities before the next crisis.

Both of my freezers are packed with tv dinners and ice cream (sandwiches and Dilly bars) from Dairy Queen.

Will consider buying another pantry or freezer to stockup with food I enjoy.

I have not needed to horde or stock up in a crisis. I tend to buy during the good times before a crisis. I only stocked up on oatmeal, spaghetti and meat sauce and tv dinners and toilet paper.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I’m more scared than I thought I’d be. Not much scares me.

I’ve mentioned elsewhere that both my youngest son and I have underlying lung issues. I see so much carelessness working in grocery. This is what scares me. If I could stay home and rarely leave I’d probably feel better.

Zaku's avatar

Less scared by the disease. More scared by the people. Not the actual people I meet when I go out. But by thinking I see displayed in too many Internet posts. Too many thoughts I consider too stupid / fearful / crazy / etc.

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